Cloud computing

TripleO deep dive session #1 (Quickstart deployment)

This is the first video from a series of “Deep Dive” sessions related to TripleO deployments.

The first session is related to the TripleO deployment using Quickstart.

Quickstart comes from RDO, to reduce the complexity of having a TripleO environment quickly, mostly for users without a strong and deep knowledge of TripleO configuration and it uses Ansible roles to automate all the different configuration tasks.

So please, check the full session content on the TripleO YouTube channel.

Last but not least, James Slagle (slagle) have posted some comments about how to apply new changes in the puppet modules when deploying the overcloud as the current task of re-create them is a time consuming and cumbersome process.

Using the upload-puppet-modules script we will be able to update the puppet modules when executing the overcloud deployment.

# From the undercloud
mkdir puppet-modules
cd puppet-modules
git clone tripleo
# Edit as needed under the tripleo folder
git clone
export PATH="$PATH:tripleo-common/scripts"
upload-puppet-modules --directory puppet-modules/

Please check the sessions index to have access to all available content.

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