Cloud computing

KubeInit 4-in-1 - Deploying multiple Kubernetes distributions (K8S, OKD, RKE, and CDK) with the same platform

One of the KubeInit’s pillars is to define a common framework to deploy multiple Kubernetes distributions, once you finish the deployment you should be able to use the specific distro tooling to mange the lifecycle of your deployment (or multiple deployments).

Note 2021/10/13: DEPRECATED - This tutorial only works with kubeinit 1.0.2 make sure you use this version of the code if you are following this tutorial, or refer to the documentation to use the latest code.

Using KubeInit you should be able to reuse a common set of third party services, and infrastructure deployment assets with any already integrated distro.

The current distributions of Kubernetes that should be deployable are:

  • Origin Kubernetes Distribution
  • Kubernetes
  • Rancher Kubernetes Distribution
  • Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes


Disclaimer: This does not fully work, yet xD… Multiple scenarios might be broken, the DNS might not work properly and the HAProxy service might be failing also, this is the reason why is not documented in the official docs. Any contribution is and always be welcomed. Yet, the deployment should finish successfully.

The roles and playbooks structure

Every supported distro has a role folder called like kubeinit_<distro>, this means, kubeinit_okd, kubeinit_k8s, kubeinit_rke, and kubeinit_cdk.

Then, there is a specific playbook for each distro named using their distribution initials like okd, k8s, rke, and cdk.

This means that the workflow to deploy any distro must be the same for every one of them.


Choose the Kubernetes distribution you will use:

  • Origin Kubernetes Distribution: okd
  • Kubernetes: k8s
  • Rancher Kubernetes Distribution: rke
  • Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes : cdk
# Choose the distro
# distro=k8s
# distro=rke
# distro=cdk

# Run the deployment command
git clone
cd kubeinit
ansible-playbook \
    --user root \
    -v -i ./hosts/$distro/inventory \
    --become \
    --become-user root \


Being able to deploy multiple Kubernetes distributions in an easy, quick, reproducible, and using the same interface allow users to test and evaluate them to see which one (or many) fits better their use cases.

The end

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This is the main project repository.

Happy KubeIniting!


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